









Praise for Priestesses Of The Moon

With over 800 graduates, here’s what your sisters are saying!

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A spark within has been ignited to this Divine heritage and lineage that is for each and everyone of us sisters holding space on our dear planet at this time. 

Priestesses Of The Moon is the most potent, powerful, and healing journey I have ever committed to. This journey guided me to tap into deep inner rhythms that were lost in the cultural conditioning that is upon us this day and age. Through these healing temple calls, so much ancient wisdom was surfaced, remembered, and revealed. Achintya and Ameya are true spirit guides. These women embody and inspire the essence that is with in us all to awaken, rise, surface, and be revealed. They are true angels and have blessed my healing in potent ways that words cannot touch. Through the beauty, sacred medicine and ancient wisdom that they embody, now these same sacred and holy energies have surfaced within me.  My heart has been opened to a new dimension. A spark within has been ignited to this Divine heritage and lineage that is for each and everyone of us sisters holding space on our dear planet at this time. I am inspired to fulfill my Dharma in a new and profound light. To step forth and join in the sacred web of sisters as a revolutionary that assists in weaving the healing of the Divine Feminine throughout Mama Gaia. To "shake down the patriarchy" and be the change I want to see in the world in a whole new way... 

Ullasita Rose Devi

My path to being a Priestess began when I realized I was merely a spiritual being MERELY functioning in a human experience very ineffectively. When I joined Priestesses of the Moon, I began to see the modern day priestess lives anything but a mundane life.

Her life is rich in dreams, intuition, ritual, feminine leadership and a connection to the divine.

In POTM I recognized that mediocrity is not anything that I am or that I deserve. This course encouraged me to be of the highest service. Seeking to be in service to my community and to my calling in working with caregivers and creating women's circle experiences. I knew that being of service was not about placing anyone above or below, but rather creating a mutual relationship of respect between the priestess and the women I am facilitating for and serving.

My work and path is to become a channel, a vessel to serve the highest good of the divine creating a leadership path with what I’ve learned.

Selina Davis


The words Priestess and Moon resonate so deep within me, it feels like a deep recognition of somewhere I belong, almost like an ancient memory.

I experienced a sense of sisterhood, healing, remembering ancient wisdom, a means by which I commit myself to something, an opening of a gate, a portal in me.

I recommend this to every woman out there of all ages because this program is a doorway, a portal, a gate to an ancient world of forgotten wisdom that every woman carries within her DNA, her blood, her womb.

This remembrance is ESSENTIAL, to living life, to knowing life, to being connected and grounded to yourself, to knowing yourself, to feeling and remembering mama earth as a great female mother-goddess, as well as remembering our grandmother moon as the one who literally lives through us. This program is healing and supportive, you are able to open up, be vulnerable and you have a whole tribe of sisters that say yes to life. Wild women, free women, grounded with the earth and dancing with the moon

Sofia Bonilla


When starting the journey, I became so aware of my womb and how badly she needed healing and love. I even started my first sacred Moon cycle after over a year without it. 

Priestesses of the Moon was the catalyst for my feminine healing. After crossing through the temple doors and soaking in the wisdom from our beautiful guides Achintya and Ameya, I have learned to be incredibly in tune with my body and my own inner cycles.

When starting the journey, I became so aware of my womb and how badly she needed healing and love. I even started my first sacred Moon cycle after over a year without it.  It was also so deeply refreshing to come into this sacred container and go through this Rite of Passage with other Sisters from all around the world.

I have truly been re-awakened, and have finally been living as my Divine Authentic Self! 

Kristi Comstock

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I was filled with a deep sense of purpose and empowerment…

Participating in Priestesses of the Moon was a defining and life changing moment for me. Everything in my life shifted. I learned to listen and follow the rhythms of my own body and how they aligned with the moon. I learned to make space for self-care and slow down.

I was filled with a deep sense of purpose and empowerment that allowed me to go after my vision and my dreams. There is so much juiciness in this program, 2 months is not long enough. Achintya and Ameya are absolutely amazing and hold the most perfect, beautiful, sacred container for your highest soul evolution.

I would recommend this program to anyone who is ready to step into their purpose, looking for ways to be of service, and craving the support of a nurturing sisterhood. Thank you to these two beautiful goddesses and their devotion to creating a new, inclusive, and sustainable paradigm.

Victoria Brito

Priestesses of the Moon absolutely changed my life. Before saying yes to this journey, I was an overworked, overstressed, anxiety ridden new mama struggling to find peace and Self in my life.

Priestesses of the Moon gave me the wisdom and tools to take back control of my life and tap into Self. I was able to shift my thoughts and actions so that they were more in line with my Truth and my Dreams by releasing limiting patterns and beliefs. I starting living in harmony and alignment with my inner rhythms and cycles, cycles that reflect those of Grandmother Moon’s.

With the help of this program I left an incredibly toxic corporate job after being there over a decade. Now I am weaving my dreams into reality! I am walking the path of Priestess, and unlocking/embodying my gifts as Medicine Womxn. I am more present and grounded than I ever have been. I have found more beauty and peace in my life. And I can say with confidence that I am now living my soul’s purpose! Thanks to Ameya and Achintya and Priestesses of the Moon, I am forever devoted to my healing journey and am part of a Divine sisterhood/community full of Love and support. I am so deeply grateful.

Britt Jensen
IG: @sacredmoonrituals


For many years I faced my bleeding time with fear and dread.  Waiting for the pain to start, hating my body and what I had to go through every month. 

After completing Priestesses of the Moon, I have a whole new outlook on my body and how it works.  I am still working on some medical issues, but I no longer face it with fear.  I look forward to the days I need more rest and plan accordingly, I dig in on the days I have the most energy and go for the finish line.  I have incorporated more ritual and space in my cycle to really feel and listen into my body and what she needs. 

The Priestess of the Moon Program taught me how to support my body, and how to guide myself through my cycle so that I can be the best version of me.  

Janelle T
IG: @JanelleT0822

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The journey into the womb/moon mysteries in POTM felt like coming home.

I still refer to my Womanual often and love the forever sisterhood through the FB group. I have more presence around designing my life according to my inner rhythms, and have numerous moon-time ritual practices that continue to reveal deeper connections to Gaia and the Moon.

I’m forever grateful to Achintya and Ameya for their passionate wisdom in sharing these ancient teachings and connecting sisters.

Tanya Clark


This course is filled with invaluable material that I've been searching for and haven't found anywhere else.

If you have the opportunity to join Achintya & Ameya for their Priestess of the Moon course, go for it! This course brought me a feeling of connection, sisterhood and understanding I have not experienced before.

I felt so empowered and have seen this empowerment blossom into my life. I have more confidence and understanding of who I am. I feel more at ease and connected to unconditional love of the Divine Feminine. Although I was not able to participate in the live discussions due to my work schedule I found listening to the recordings was very convenient and I still felt a strong connection to the group.

I was often moved to tears while listening. Priestess of the Moon attracts beautiful, authentic women who are so inspiring. I would absolutely love to participate again! 

Sarah Matinuik

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As a Priestess of the Moon I have established a daily meditation praxis. I am more grounded. I found a way to anchor in my place in the universe.

I have always felt there was a special connection between the Moon and my feminine nature. Priestesses of the Moon gave me answers to my questions, feelings and much more. Now I travel with the Moon through the cycles, my own, the Lunar, the seasons and it became an anchor, a mirror, a pivot, a compass even. I have learned so much about myself and my body, the cyclic nature.

I navigate with understanding, more ease and compassion through my own cycles. As I track them now they reveal a lot about myself. It is fascinating to explore the energetic connection between the moon phases and the own, there is an exciting oscillation to discover.

Priestesses of the Moon became a Healing Tool for me. There are so many layers of this online course, and Achintya and Ameya are great teachers and guides. I am forever grateful for this.

Susy Farmer


I am reclaiming my devotion to a sacred relationship with myself. I am humbled by these experiences coming through, I am humbled by the depth of support offered that is enabling me to grow into a sovereign being.

When I started this path I was frozen with insecurities. Often choking to find my voice. Constantly negotiating my needs abandoning my own self care. I was seriously running on empty. My health, and relationships were jeopardized. From a deeply appreciative space I give my heart to these two amazing beings. Achintya and Ameya offered a deeply supportive space that has allowed me to open my heart, truly lean into LOVE and establish deep devotional practices that feed my mind, body and soul.

Allowing me to show up fully for my loved ones. Allowing me to feel the beauty in all of us. I am honored to connect in a sisterhood that is creating this magick. Achintya and Ameya have allowed me this homecoming, their wisdom and insight weave a magical alchemy.

You have empowered me, and I have empowered mine. And so it is... Together We Rise!

Sasha McLean

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It has been hard to put into words the impact that Priestesses of the Moon has had on my life. It has completely altered the trajectory of my spiritual journey and has brought me home to myself in the deepest of ways.  

I stand, firm in my roots, with a deep lineage of womxn whom have learned from and honored the Moon + her phases for millennia. It is one of the most empowering journeys that I have ever been on, and the deep support and energy facilitation of Achintya + Ameya is of the highest caliber. Coming into this work has offered a radical opportunity to embrace my sovereignty and step into the inherent magick that comes from awareness, acceptance, and healing through the physical/emotional and psycho-spiritual connection we get the chance to cultivate with the Moon herself. 

Through the framework and virtual gatherings of POTM, I have realigned my compass time and time again. I have never been so connected to a group of women, and I want to honor Achintya + Ameya for creating this platform for the world. I encourage all womxn to dive into these teachings and join this sisterhood of the moon as we gather in honor and celebration of one of the purest means of self-initiation there is.

Allison Rees


Priestesses of the Moon helped me awaken to the magic of the moon and our connection to it.

Being part of a sisterhood, expressing myself, and being witnessed was so healing to me. I even used the practices we were taught to help create a beautiful home birth with my second daughter.

I am grateful that this program helped ignite the magic within that now encompasses and enriches all facets of my every day life.

Leah VandenBerg


After being a part of Priestesses of the Moon, my life started to shift.  

I learned more about my moon cycle than ever before, allowing my schedule and life to better flow in cycle with my body, and not the other way around. I was given tools to live a more ritual based lifestyle, celebrating the earth and living in harmony with all around me. There is so much to take away from this course.

Being connected with so many woman across the globe opened me up to a powerful sisterhood of woman- doing this internal work, learning, forgiving, healing, holding space & empowering each other, and no doubt changing our world.

Faith Kendall


Questions? Need further assistance? Email us HERE.