
Waning Moon Rituals for Releasing


This Waning Moon, as sparked by the half moon in Aquarius with Sun in Taurus is a powerful portal for letting go of anything that stands between you and the dreams you have for your life and for our world with great love. What is now ready to dissolve and be released (body, mind, and soul) to make space for your visions to grow? How can you honour that you are both light and shadow? Life and death, masculine and feminine? In our world of polarity, one cannot exist without the other and the phases of the moon remind us that we are ALL of the cycles of life, internally and externally.

This is a great time to downsize and let go of material things that aren't useful, inspiring or no longer bring you joy. It's an auspicious time to nourish your body temple, slow down, listen to the quieter voice within and honour the simplicity of Being.

How can you welcome the Wisdom of this Half Waning Moon into your life? Share your comments over on the blog for sisterhood inspiration!

We are getting so excited because Priestesses of the Moon will be launching very soon! In the meantime, keep your eyes open for more waning and waxing moon magick like this every waning and waxing moon time. 

We'd love to know, have these blogs been helpful in supporting you during the lunar shifts each month? What are you noticing most as you connect deeper with your own lunar rhythms? We'd love to hear all about it, please share in the comments!




Flower Essences to Support the Waxing Moon Phase


Flower Essences to Support the Waxing Moon Phase

The Waxing Moon is the time after the New Moon when the moon is growing and gaining momentum toward her peak at the Full Moon. As the external moon is expanding, this is a time where you may also feel more mentally focused, motivated, and alive.

With more energy (and also from what was revealed to you during the Dreamy Depths of the New Moon), you might be ready to work on and heal some old patterns, limiting beliefs, and pains that you have been carrying around since childhood that are affecting your life in this present moment.

One of the healing tools we explore in depth during Priestesses of the Moon are Flower Essences. Flower essences are plant medicines that support your emotional and spiritual growth. Their ability to repair trauma, relax your nervous system and bring your emotionality into Wholeness is truly miraculous.

When taken internally, they start to move subconscious imprints to the conscious mind - things you've suppressed will begin to loosen so that you can stop living from Wound and begin to live more deeply from a place of Empowerment. 


4 Flower Essences that will Support Ease in your Relationships

Cedar - This beautiful Tree brings a deep sense of safety.  If you have had any wounding in your life that has made you feel less than safe, Cedar will strengthen your system and bring a strong anchoring.  This will allow you to open up to another, to share what is present for you, and to cultivate a depth of intimacy.

Motherwort - she helps you create strong and appropriate boundaries for yourself. When you feel like you don't know how to say no, are saying yes to people-please, Motherwort is a wonderful ally. All of a sudden, you'll notice subtle shifts in speaking your needs without any guilt. 

Missouri Primrose - is your ally to call upon for a beautiful dose of worthiness into your being. When you are not feeling worthy, or you don't feel deserving of what you truly desire, Missouri Primrose will be a great friend. This flower essence reminds you of what you want to give and receive in relationships.

Borage - she is the grand flower essence for upliftment and increasing courage. She will support you to stand in your truth, speak your unspokens, and follow your path. She will support your soul to fully incarnate so you are present and solid in your body. 

In Priestesses of the Moon, we will support you in deeper ways to find the flower essences and plant allies that will support your specific and unique needs for your growth and transformation.

We'd love to hear how this information felt for you in the comments!


Waning Moon Enchantress Rituals

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Waning Moon Enchantress Rituals

The Waning Moon is the time when the moon is descending from her fullness until we come once again to the darkness of the New Moon. As the external moon is waning in energy, this is a time where you may also feel your personal ebbs waning too.

In Priestesses of the Moon, we call this the Enchantress Phase. A time when we are more internally focused, there's an interest toward the mystical, dreamy, powerful, witchy and sensual aspects of our selves. You may find yourself needing space to be vulnerable and raw with your emotions.

The Waning Moon phase is the time for less productivity and more creativity! Art projects, dancing, writing and fully expressing yourself in ways where the final project isn't as important as the actual act of creating.

Waning Moon Mantra: I simplify. I release. I dream. I trust.

Waning Moon Ritual

Each day as the moon wanes make some time to sit with your self in quiet contemplation. Just for a few minutes with a hand on your heart and a hand on your womb focus your intention on being present with your emotions.

Say to yourself, I feel... Witnessing each emotion is enough. If you wish to take it another step further you can journal on if the particular emotion arising within you has a message for you.

We'd love to hear how you honor the Waning Moon time, please share with us in the comments!


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Waxing Moon Expansion Rituals


Waxing Moon Expansion Rituals

Blessed Waxing Moon, love! This phase of the moon is all about expansion and outward expression. Are you feeling this? 

The Waxing Moon is the time after the New Moon when the moon is growing and gaining momentum toward her peak at the Full Moon. As the external moon is expanding, this is a time where you may also feel more mentally focused, motivated, and alive.

Next week we will also are experiencing the energy of Spring Equinox and the turning of the Wheel of the Year.  The Spring Equinox being the halfway point between Winter Solstice and Summer Solstice, we are actually in the Waxing Moon phase of the first half of the year. 

We are coming out of the dark, cold winter months and feeling a bit more energy and momentum for rebirth and resurrection of Self and visions and the longings we carry.  This does not mean that you are instantly feeling expansion, rather there is a progression into more of yourself - energetically, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally.

In Priestesses of the Moon, we liken the Waxing Moon to the Maiden Phase. Your Maiden carries so many great gifts and is an essential Ally for accessing your destiny and blueprint. She helps you to understand why you are here and how to move towards your great visions.

The Waxing Moon phase is the optimal time for initiating, multi-tasking, completing your to-do list, organizing and scheduling meetings.
At this phase, we have the energy and focus to be fully present for these types of activities.

Waxing Moon Ritual: 
This is a specific Ritual in this portal of Spring.

1. Set quiet and sacred space for this Ritual.  Light a candle and cast a circle.  Anything INSIDE of the circle is sacred and part of the co-creative process with Spirit.

2. Take a moment to breathe.

3. Take out your journal:
What do you wish to Rebirth over these next couple of months?  What has been gestating inside of you throughout winter that is finally ready to be seen?

4. What feelings/thoughts/beliefs do you have as you write these on paper?  Pay attention to what comes forward.  Both limitations and excitement.

5. Take our your calendar. 
What steps can you take over the next 2-4 weeks to initiate/activate your visions? 
These can be simple and/or complex.  They are meant to use the energies that are alive in you at this time to create movement (cause in a couple of weeks, you will want to be inward and dreamy again!). Do 1 action within the next 48 hours. Do the next within 1 week and the final within the next month. Please let us know how it goes.

6.  Close your circle and give thanks for what you know in this moment is your next step or steps. Clarity is to be celebrated.

We are wishing for your greatest gifts and Self to resurrect.  The world needs your specific frequency to make radical impact at this time on the planet. So, initiate! Expand.  And most important, with your Maiden by your side, have fun! Enjoy the process of sharing your Full Self with your family, community and world.
